LensShopper - Contact lens price comparison
Contact lens suppliers in recent years have offered customers an order/sales service via the internet. Today, it is the most convenient and indeed the cheapest possible means of purchasing contact lenses. Nevertheless, many customers are reluctant to utilise internet sales sites due to concerns about the integrity of payment security systems, where in the majority of cases customers pay for goods and services via cash card or credit card transactions. Naturally, many customers also have concerns about the use or possible abuse of information concerning account card numbers and card validation periods.
How effective is the integrity of the payment security system?
In our experience it has proven to be as secure a means of conducting transactions as has been the case with any every day, standard shopping outlet. Indeed, retail records generally support this view. What is essential to remember when utilising payment services via the internet, is that the site itself is well known and reputable. The majority of large and historically well established sites are comprehensive in scale and thereby safe and reputable. When purchasing via the internet, be vigilant when providing detailed bank information. It is essential that the suppliers site possesses a manifestly secure payment system; details of which do not fall into the hands of a third party. Additionally, many internet suppliers offer the option of conducting payments via a credit/cash card payment or alternatively, by means of a direct debit billing service.